Sure Vision Best Eyewear For Vision Improvement In 2020
Since COVID 19 took over the world and all of our lives, people have developed new lifestyles and continued to thrive in the Pandemic. And in this ‘New Normal’ people are spending more and more hours in front of the computer screens and people video calling each other through a 7-inch screen, all our shopping is now virtual and contactless while education continues on the Internet. The digital devices are very useful. They let everyone live life and do their work, without dying from boredom. With this increase in screen-time taking care of our eyes has become even more important. Overexposure to screen often causes dryness and stinging sensation in the eyes, blurry vision, a slight headache, and ache in your neck, back, and shoulders. This ailment is also known as Computer Vision Syndrome or Digital Eye Strain which causes many problems, even long-term ones that you may not notice immediately. Tips to protect your eyes 1. Frequent breaks are necessary: Continuous staring at s...